Darren Byrne Photography and Film, Millhouse Slane Co Meath, Pamela Matthews Makeup Autumn wedding, meath wedding,

Your Wedding Day

I’m sure you’ve already heard, your wedding day will pass you by in a flash. With all the celebrations, bubbles and emotions it’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of the final few weeks and especially on the day itself.However, it’s also the time when some of your well though-out plans may be forgotten and result in a couple of post wedding regrets.So, with that in mind, here are my top tips for the day.
Bridal Prep, Makeup artist, meath mua, Pamela MAtthews Makeup, DArren Byrne Photography and film
Darren Byrne Photography and Film

1. Emergency kits

If your doing baskets for the venues bathroom, keep some little bits with you that morning in case of emergency. The most looked for items are: safety pins, needle and thread, nail polish remover, plasters, baby wipes, scissors, cotton buds, paracetamol, antihistamines, tampons, fashion/boob tape and nail files.In addition to the above, have some club soda and/or white chalk nearby incase god forbid you get a mark on your dress.2. Phone
Give your phone to a bridesmaid to take pictures for you. It means youll have some photos on your phone the next day to look through and you won’t be dependent on everyone to send you some.
3. Shoes
Break-In Your Shoes Before the Big Day or choose comfortable shoes!If your shoes are uncomfortable, your wedding could be a real pain—and I mean that literally—making it tough to think about anything other than your aching feet. So be wise, wear them around the house for a few days beforehand or buy shoes that you know wont mow the feet off you!
Darren Byrne Photograhy and Film, Millhouse Slane Co Meath, Autumn Wedding, Pamela MAtthews MAkeup
Darren Byrne Photography and Film
4. Lipstick
Give your lipstick/lipgloss to your groom to mind for you in his jacket pocket rather than in your handbag. Chances are, you wont have your bag with you and youll most likely be with your groom as opposed to the bridesmaids so for topping up, the lipstick will always be to hand!
5. Eat
A wedding day is a very long day and you don’t want your growling stomach to steal the show. Start the day with a good breakfast, and take a short break before you put on your dress to grab something small to keep you going till dinner time. If you can, have breakfast delivered to the house instead of cooking and avoid having the smell of fried food lingering.6. Messages
You will get 60 million texts, WhatsApps, messages etc that morning, wait until the following day or 2 to read them so you can properly take in the well wishes people are sending you and send personal replies as opposed to a quick generic “thank you” . Reading them on the morning only means they’ll be forgotten about with everything else thats going on.7. Photos
Make a list of the people that you know you definitely want photographs with such as grandparents, godparents, best friends, aunts, uncles, cousins etc etc. Your photographer knows the usual, parents, siblings etc and will automatically capture these but trust me on the day you won’t remember the other pics you want until its too late.In addition to the above, put a bridesmaid, groomsman, brother or sister in charge of gathering the people that you want for your photos. Your photographer wont know who aunty Mary or uncle Paddy are so to save time, allocate this job to someone who knows most of your guests.


8. Time

Yes, this is an important one to get right, choosing the right ceremony time is setting your wedding day schedule up for success. You don’t want to choose a ceremony time of 2pm in December as available daylight for location photos would become an issue at 4:30pm. Liase closely with your suppliers before choosing your ceremony time and go with what works best for everyone.9. Little things
Don’t stress about the little things because in the end they don’t matter and people won’t notice. You are the only person who will be looking at everything really closely. Everyone else will be enjoying themselves way to much to notice.10. Stay calm

Focus on staying calm. Let go and let everyone do their job! Its very tempting to constantly check in with people to make sure they are doing what they need to but honestly, if you’ve chosen good suppliers theyll know what needs to be done and when so, sit back, relax and allow them to do what they do best.

darren byrne photography and film, millhouse slane co meath, pamela matthews makeup. autumn wedding
Darren Byrne Photography and Film
11. Do what’s right for you!
Remember that it’s your day so stay true to what you and your fiancé want. Many people will give you advice on everything … listen and smile but in the end, do what’s right for you (but at the same time, be open to what others say, as you might actually like their ideas/perspective.)12. Take Time for Yourselves
Some couples barely get to make eye contact until their first dance, and even then it’s with the eyes of all your guests upon you. With this in mind, try to take some time out together to let everything sink in. After all, you’ve just gotten married!As part of your wedding day schedule try to factor in some time for just the two of you – whether it’s driving between the church and reception, a moment of down-time between photos or a quick stroll after dinner.
And finally… ENJOY!!Most important of all, make sure you enjoy the day. Dance, drink, eat and be merry. Relax, breathe and take it all in. You have worked so incredibly hard to make this the best day of your life, so sit back and revel in what you have accomplished!



bridal prep, millhouse slane co meath, darren byrne photography and film, pamela matthews makeup
Darren Byrne Photography and Film


friends, millhouse slane co meath, makeup artist, hairstylist, darren byrne photography and film, pamela matthews makeup
Darren Byrne Photography and Film
P x
Photos: Darren Byrne Photography and Film  www.dbphotos.ie
Location: Millhouse Hotel, Slane, Co Meath www.millhouse.ie
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Seagrave barns wedding, rustic bride, covid bride, michelle and neill, segrave, barm wedding

Once, twice, three times a Covid Bride.

April 24th, August 3rd, September 11th – it was 3rd time lucky for this covid couple.

Meet Michelle and Neil ❤️

This fun loving duo met at Galway races ladies day back in 2014! Both keen horse racing enthusiasts, neither could have ever imagined that their biggest win that day would off the tracks.
After a whirlwind romance and twin boys to complete their little family, Neil brought Michelle back to Galway to propose on the Claddagh pier after an Ed Sheeran concert. A true romantic, Neil thought it fitting to incorporate the English songwriter into his proposal as his was the very first concert they had gone to together. ❤️

Once the ring was picked, Michelle (with Neils help Im sure 😅) threw herself full force into planning what was to be the most spectacular day. Seagrave Barn was the venue of choice and its easy to see why. With its rustic style barn to party in until the wee hours, an old converted farmhouse to get ready in and the panoramic seaside views, whats not to love about it.

Seagrave Barns


Having all the important larger elements of the wedding booked, it was time to start dress hunting! Michelle originally thought she wanted something soft and flowing but having tried on numerous dresses, decided on a gorgeous fit & flare lace dress from the signature collection in Wed2b. The shape and style complimented her amazing figure beautifully 😍 A pair of stunning Rachel Simpson shoes and the most incredible pearl, bead & crystal adorned headpiece, both from Frilly Frocks, would finish her look off perfectly.


With only 4 weeks to go until the big day that they had dreamed of, surrounded by their handsome boys, beautiful families and wide circle of friends, Corona hit and had Michelle and Neil in a tizzy. Do we reschedule, do we ride it out and see what happens but alas full lockdown was announced so they had very little say in the matter. They pushed out to August hoping everything would have settled by then but noone could have predicted the overwhelming scale of distruction this pandemic would cause and unfortunately with big numbers on their guestlist and restrictions still in place the duo were forced yet again to reschedule. This time however, having sat down with their families and spoken about it at great lengths, the lovebirds decided that they just wanted to be married so set the date for the very next month. The guestlist was shortened considerably to keep within guidelines but everything else remained in place meaning Michelle and Neil were able to get excited about their new would be wedding anniversary ❤️

The day itself was like any other wedding day. Having stayed at the venue the night before with her bridal party and family, Michelle was full of excitement when I arrived early on the morning of the 11th September. The buzz of a wedding morning was well and truly alive with Michelles Mum feeding us all, the bridesmaids trying to ply us with prosecco and preparations in full swing.

At Michelles trial she showed me pictures of her dress and accessories, I knew instantly that she needed and old school Hollywood type look to compliment everything. Beautiful glowing skin, softly defined eyes with the emphasis on her liner and a gorgeous berry toned lip transformed Michelle into the most beautiful bride.
In the lead up to her big day Michelle really focused on her skincare, had regular facials, ate well, drank lots of water and most importantly sought the advice of a skincare therapist to ensure she was using the correct products for her skin. Very little product was needed on the day to give Michelle the glowing look she so desired.

Once Michelle was transformed into the Hollywood starlet she deserved to be it was time to meet the man of her dreams and become his wife.

Having had to cut numbers from 260 and knowing that Michelle was feeling sad for all the people that couldnt be with them, Michelles sister Nicola surprised her with a fabulously decorated wooden pallet with photos of everyone that couldn’t share in the special day attached to it. Each photo had a special message written on the back for the bride & groom. A gesture sure to draw tears from even the hardest of hearts. Michelles good friend Una also organised to have the day live streamed so that anyone who wanted to could tune in & see the loved up couple say their I Do’s ❤️

For anyone ensure about whether to reschedule or not, Michelle says…

” Just go for it!  Originally we were holding out because we wanted the big wedding but we soon realised that the most important thing is marrying the person you love. All the people that you couldn’t invite will understand as it’s totally out of your hands. Having smaller numbers was actually lovely and intimate and the restrictions didnt dampen our day at all. We had to finish by 11.30 but other than that everything felt normal. Dont over think it, no need to stress out about it at all, everything will fall into place and just enjoy every minute. We had the best day of our lives”

P xx



Venue – Segrave Barn, Dunanny


Dress – We2b, Drumcondra


Bridemaids – Dresscode


Headpeice – Frilly Frocks, Drogheda


Shoes – Rachel Simpson, Frilly Frocks, Drogheda


Flowers – Darling Buds.Carlow


Photo & Video – VMmediastudios


Hair – Ursula Carroll

Cake – Michelles friend Aisling Hanratty

Skincare advice – Leah Cooney

Leahs Holistic Beauty


segrave barns wedding segrave barn weddingsegrave barn weddingsegrave barn weddingsegrave barn weddingsegrave barn weddingsegrave barn weddingsegrave barn weddingsegrave barn weddingsegrave barn weddingsegrave barn wedding



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