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You’ve spent months planning your dream wedding and the big day is finally here! You have probably dreamt of how your bridal look will come together as you combine your dress, hair and makeup, the perfect pair of shoes, and of course your bridal bouquet.

Flowers are a stunning part of your wedding day but not many brides (or bridesmaids) know how to correctly carry them. Below are my top tips to ensure your bouquet is positioned perfectly…


Ladies remember, your bouquet is not a microphone, don’t hold it up near your face (unless asked to for a photo). The best place to hold it is down at your bellybutton, especially when posing for photos! This one goes for bridesmaids too! It may seem obvious, but with so many other things going on, it can be easy to forget.
By holding the bouquet here it’ll make sure the gorgeous bodice of your wedding dress isn’t hidden by the flowers.
It also keeps your elbows slightly bent, which is really flattering. Too high and your elbows are at a harsh angle. Too low and you lose the flattering window of space between your waist and your arm.


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Top or bottom, front or back…
You might laugh at this one, but it’s way more common than you might think. Especially with the trend of wild cascading greenery in the bouquet, it’s not always totally obvious which way is up, down, front, or back.
Most bouquet stems are ribbon-wrapped and will have a row of pearl-tipped pins holding the ribbon in place. These pins will be the back of the bouquet – and you’ll keep those facing toward you.
If it doesn’t have pins and the florist isn’t on hand to ask, use a mirror. Florists are good at designing these bouquets. There’s a rhyme and reason to how they designed it, so reposition it in front of the mirror until you find what looks and feels right


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Just like accidentally holding the bouquet too high, it’s easy to forget to tilt your bouquet toward the camera.
It sometimes feels a little funny to be tilting out your flowers, but it displays your bouquet to its best advantage! Whether its for the camera or for your guests’ enjoyment as you walk down the aisle, try to tilt your bouquet away from you just a little bit.


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This isn’t necessarily a tip on how to hold or carry your bouquet but its still something that not many brides are aware of until the last minute.
Your flowers will most likely be delivered in water to keep them fresh, so about 30mins before your leaving, take them out of the water and dry them off. The last thing you or your bridesmaids want is a water mark on the dress with no time to dry it before the ceremony.

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Many photographers are great at directing brides when it comes to the bouquet, they will tell you if they want it held on front, to the side, in one hand etc. Their directions and the tips above will ensure your flowers are always in the correct place!

P xx



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