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“Tan”-tastic Tips

There’s a lot of pressure when it comes to getting married and wanting to look ‘perfect’ in your wedding dress. You might be thinking of getting a tan before your big day; whether it’s a spray tan or a DIY tan. Either way, wedding tan needs to be perfect – that means no streaks and definitely no orange hue. So, whether you’re a pro or a first timer, caution should be taken to avoid disasters


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Sunbeds are never, ever, worth it. Please don’t jeopardise your health for the sake of aesthetics. Especially when faking it is so easy these days. Remember also, sunbeds will dry your skin out and one too many sessions on the beds will age your skin and undo all your other work to have your skin looking amazing .

Always have a trial run…

Never ever book in for a spray tan for your wedding without giving it a go before the big day.
Do you really want to wake up on the morning of the wedding to see a disaster?! No thank you! Tan takes differently on everyone so try it out before hand”
Remember, it takes a good fortnight to completely rid your skin of a spray tan, so you’ll need to allow time for trials if your planning on trying out a few different brands.

Exfoliate, exfoliate, exfoliate!!!

Prep for your tan like an absolute pro!!
Perfect your canvas before you apply any colour as it will make your tan look more alive and not so flat. Invest in a body brush and some gentle exfoliating products. Use both twice a week to clear away dead skin cells.
Remove any unwanted hair and do final exfoliation 24 hours before you tan.


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Speak to your makeup artist…

Does he/she want you to have your face tanned? Do they want you to come tanned to your makeup trial? Personally I dont like my brides to have tan on their face. I find it dries the skin out too much and can sometimes look patchy. I always suggest having tan on for the trial, this gives a better indication of the finished look.

Leave it to the professionals…

If you can, have your tan professionally applied
“I would heavily suggest steering away from DIY tans before your wedding. You want to feel your absolute best on your wedding day, so I would put your trust into someone who is trained and knows what they’re doing.”

If doing it yourself, dont get in a sweat over it – just pay extra attention. Especially around the hand area.
Getting a streak-free finish on the hands is notoriously tricky but using a good handcream in the days leading up to tanning will help keep the skin moisturised. Buffing your tan in using a foundation brush will keep it natural and avoid gathering around the knuckles.

Be realistic with your colour…

Dont go too dark for your natural skin tone or it just wont look right. Especially against a white/ivory dress. 1 or 2 shades darker than your own skin tone is perfect.



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Tan time…

Wear loose clothing (no bras, jeans, tight socks or anything else that’ll leave a mark on your skin) and dont forget to bring flip flops. When leaving the salon, be aware of the weather and avoid rain at all costs. If you’re travelling by car, put a towel between your shoulder and the seatbelt to avoid marks.

The final countdown…

For the last few weeks before your wedding, I highly recommend to stop using developing tans – you’ll want to spend these few weeks focusing on prepping your skin, exfoliating and moisturising. Aim to have your wedding tan applied 2/3 days before the big day. Lets say your wedding is Saturday, get the spray Thursday evening. Shower Friday morning, apply a good layer of hydrating (but oil-free) moisturiser and wear loose-fitting clothes if possible. Avoid using a loofa in the shower – simply wash with your hands and some shower gel.

Some tans I find beautiful for bridal are:

Vita Liberate – really good for fair/medium skin tone

St Tropez – Has a lovely olive glow for Medium /Dark skin tones

Bellamienta or Dripping Gold – Both really rich tans, perfect for Darker skin tones.

Vita Liberate body blur is beautiful as a tan topper if you find your tan is a wee bit flat

Tan really is a personal choice and what looks beautiful on one person might not look the same on you.
For me, I find that tan doesn’t seem to come up very well on my legs. My skin would be quite dry and dehydrated so I really need to focus on getting as much moisture onto them in the weeks before an occasion. Even after all the prep tan will be quite faint so I find a coat of instant tan on top will match them to the rest of my body. This is especially good if you have veins that need disguising too.


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